Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?
If I had thawed something and was planning on cooking a delicious meal, and my husband looks in the kitchen, sees that I'm cooking and says "hey let's go out to eat" I'd be a little offended, since clearly he might be implying that my cooking sucks!!! Instead of this ingenious "refrigeration" word the author uses, I'd make my husband eat that thawed piece of meat, not cooked, just to show him how bad my 'cooking' can be.
How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television?
If my kids have dropped in to talk, I'm getting a little worried since I didn't think I had any. But even more worrisome would be if I was watching Jeopardy.
I cannot count the times I called my sister and said, 'How about going to lunch in a half hour?' She would gas up and stammer, 'I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain.' And my personal favorite: 'It's Monday.' She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.
We can't eat lunch if our hair is dirty, how unhealthy! How does she not know that?
Because we cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches.. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Steve toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.
It's true, Steve really does need to learn that whole toilet training thing -- especially since he's done it so much on the living room carpet that we have to replace it. Who needs a second honeymoon when we can watch Jeopardy in silence with our kids anyway?
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a lit any of 'I'm going to,' 'I plan on,' and 'Someday, when things are settled down a bit.'
When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Roller blades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.
And also, Ms. "regretting not eating ice cream on the Titanic", skipping the elevator for the STAIRS is also not a bad choice.
My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.
A triple-decker, really? One layer for each of your fat rolls?
Now..go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to......not something on your SHOULD DO list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? Make sure you read this to the end; you will understand why I sent this to you.
Well I'm waiting because you have forced me to read this to the end to understand why you sent this to me. Is it for a guilt trip? Because I'M not the one feeling guilty that I just ate a TRIPLE DECKER IN THE CAR.
Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask 'How are you?' Do you hear the reply?
I lost my sight, you idiot, not my touch. I can still touch.
Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.
OR you could send this to everyone you consider a LAZY SLOB who never calls you and you're bitter about it. Maybe they'll bring you ice cream later.
'Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!'
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008
I love spending time with my two favorite kids. Last Sunday we had a birthday dinner for both Heather and Josh at the in-laws home, and Kaden and Kaysee were having a great time playing with Kona. I, in my camera prowess, was able to catch this shot:
The dialogue that goes with this photo was as follows:
Kaysee: Hmmm, let me think. I think Kona wants to play with the fish in the pond.
Kaden: No, Kaycee, Josh and Becca said that Kona can't go in the pond.
Kaysee: Hmmm. Yes, I will let her play in the pond with the fishes.
Kaden: (Sighs) Ugh, girls never listen....
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Josh turned the big 2-7 on the 5th of October (which, f.y.i., is apparently the most common birthday in the world, who knew?) My parents and all the "illegal" sisters (that means anyone under 18, not illegal aliens, sheesh) came down to watch conference with us, and my mom made delicious lasagna for lunch/dinner. Next, the main food event: Josh's football birthday cake! I have been forced to cross off cake-decorating from my resume, because I am an awful cake decorator. It was a mess. But it was delicious and Josh gave me three points for cleverness.
Moving on -- I thought Josh's birthday post would be an excellent time to incorporate a tag I received from Sara. Many of you may not know my husband very well, so here are some funny quirks about him:
1. He will not wear shirts without a collar. True. He thinks he has a long giraffe neck, and will not wear a plain t-shirt. Who knew someone could be self concious about a NECK? Also, he has at least 10 blue polos. I think they are all the same color. He assures me they are completely different shades. If you think Josh keeps wearing the same shirt over and over again, he really doesn't. There are just 10 of them.
2. Josh will not swim in public pools -- for fear of floating poo (or "brown trout" as it is so affectionately called, sorry I know that is gross). Not even dip his toe in. Last summer when that whole crypto-thing came out Josh wore his "I told you so" face for at least 3 months. Along with his fear of public places -- his hatred for Disneyland. We went there on our honeymoon before our cruise and apparently his experience was so bad he will never return -- maybe he felt like he was babysitting the whole time, as I LOVE disneyland and was running and squealing everywhere? I actually forced him into going once after and he and his friend Jake literally whined the whole time... Really, he hates most public places, he's all phobic weird.
3. Josh is Uncle Sam? I have never met someone more patriotic! He really gets after me about my civic duties as a citizen-- yes I am voting next month --, wears his American flag tie on a regular basis and absolutely LOVES the 4th of July! Apparently we are naming all of our unborn children after Ulysses S. Grant -- as he is Josh's all-time hero (and to prove it, he bought a giant photo of him to hang in our house... ugh...)
4. Josh wears flip-flops at least 9 of the 12 months a year. He does not like shoes. To match his polos, he also has approximately 10 pair of the same flip-flop. I suspect he wears them to show off his freakishly long toes --he says they are his Polynesian heritage, made for walking in the sand-- even if it is 30 degrees outside. The only times he does not wear flip-flops is if it is raining or snowing heavily.
5. Another one of Josh's all-time heroes: Santa Claus. I must have had a bad experience as a child that I have blocked out of my memory because I find real-looking Santas creepy. Josh, however, is nuts about Christmas and Santa, cannot get enough of real-looking Santas, and even wishes we had a lifesize Santa decoration in our front entrance. (How creepy would that be? some fat bearded guy staring at me every time I come home?) We fight about this every year-- Santa vs. Snowmen. Josh insists that we send out Christmas Cards that look like this:

Hence, this is why no one gets Christmas cards from us, gross.
6. Josh watches cartoons every day. But not any cartoons, just old, "classic" cartoons. I wake up in the morning and turn on the TV to watch the local news (I should be informed says Josh) and it is always on some Cartoon channel -- apparently this is what he watches before he goes to bed. Our DVR is full of X-Men and Scooby-Doo re-runs. Every Christmas Eve (again, he really, really loves Christmas) we watch Yogi Bear's First Christmas and every October we start watching Scooby Doo Halloween specials. He may have just turned 7 and I mistakenly added a 2 in front of it? Oh, and also, he owns at least 10 Justice League action figures. And yes, we play with them.
7. I don't really know if this is a quirk, but it is something that cracks me up -- there is something about Josh that makes him incredibly attractive to other men. At any given time there are at least 3 guys out to make Josh their boyfriend. Several years ago some guy asked Josh to move in with him (the "perk" this guy used -- I have a shower for two!) Josh gets pretty uncomfortable when guys wink at him or make a go for his back side, but man, I crack up every time! Apparently, Josh is "pretty".
8. Josh talks in his sleep. And he is hi-larious (that is also one of Josh's things -- hi-larious is said just like that, with a pause in between the hi- and the -larious). My still all-time favorite, is when he told me so matter-of-fact-ly that aliens are more afraid of us than we are of them. Most of the time his sleep-talking comes with complimentary hand gestures.
I really lucked out. Josh also reminds me of that every day. How in the world did I end up with him? However it happened, it sure is entertaining every day! And for any of you who haven't had the chance to experience Josh in the full-extent of his funniness, COME ON OVER! If it's my cooking that scares you away, we'll order pizza.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
(this post was actually written several months ago and I forgot about it until now -- I thought it was still funny/awkward so I thought I'd share my story)
Sometimes I feel a bit more humanitarian when I get to tell people I ride the train to work. What a great thing! Before we moved to our new house, we lived right by the trax station, and now that we live so far away from downtown, it's just easier to hop on and not have to think about traffic jams.
Sadly, not everyone shares my love for Trax. Josh, for example, won't ride anymore. We once rode the train to a conference session so we wouldn't have to try and find parking downtown, and some guy was touching his butt the whole time since it was so packed, and that was just a tad uncomfortable for him. I've never understood Josh's distaste for riding Trax, after all, I don't mind sitting uncomfortably close to someone I don't know, and most of the time I just bring a book or my i-pod and people leave me alone. Even the time when I rode with a mental case all the way home, who quoted bible passages and Geoffrey Chaucer the whole way, and also asked me to leave my husband and be with him -- that wasn't so bad. The time when a fellow from Atlanta commanded me to smile, and when I did, told me he was going to call all his friends in Atlanta and tell them to move out here so they could see my smile wasn't bad either. It was almost flattering, really. I really enjoyed the hospital patient who showed me his motorcycle accident skin grafts ALL THE WAY UP HIS LEG (yes I mean all the way). And also, the teenage boys who tried to rob me, and who were very, very unsuccessful, they just needed my cell phone to call their moms, it was alright.
HOWEVER... This morning, I think my comfort level with the whole riding with strangers thing was just a tad breached.
I was miraculously early in getting ready this morning, so I hopped the earlier train, eager to get to work and prepare for a client meeting. I was relieved to see that the train had a few empty seats, and I was lucky to get one of the last ones. I sat next down to a kid who was clearly on his way to school, and clearly must have stayed up late studying, (or something like that) since he was fast asleep. I thought great, sleeping seat buddies are always the best, that way they won't bother me. I thought wrong. I should've realized when I sat down and I could smell his morning breath, even though his mouth wasn't even open, that this was my cue to leave. But I felt guilty for rushing to the seat before everyone else could get to it, and decided I'd just have to bear it. Then, suddenly, his hand fell from his backpack, and dropped right on to my leg. I thought for sure he'd wake up when he realized his hand was on some lady's thigh, but he didn't. I tried to wriggle from under it, but it just followed my leg clear to the side of the seat. I then, gently, pushed it off with my purse. It laid to rest, still touching my leg, on my side of the bench. Phew, that wasn't so bad, I thought. I guess, subconciously, he thought it wasn't so bad either, since his head then switched drooping directions over my way and hovered about an inch over my shoulder. His morning breath was now unbearable. I tried breathing through my mouth, and that just made it worse. I wondered if I could hold my breath for the next 20 minutes, after all I'd seen a magician do it on television. I started to get nervous that a big drop of drool was going to land on my lap, or even worse, my arm. I kept inching away further to the side of the seat; only half of my one butt cheek remained on the seat at this point. Oh, but that kid just kept on sleeping, his body leaning more and more towards me. I wondered if everyone else noticed my level of uncomfort, but no one did. Everyone was too busy applying makeup, reading books, or staring blankly, straight ahead, to notice my unease. I thought, maybe if I think about it hard enough, his body will just sway the other way, and his head would just lay gently on the window. I even tried nudging his body so it would just fall that way, but it just would come back, this time even closer to me. I couldn't believe how slow time was moving.
FINALLY my train stop was next! I lept up from my seat, and watched the kid almost eat the ground when I moved. He awoke with a start, wiped up his drooly face, and looked up at me. I thought for sure he'd be super embarrassed and maybe apologize, since I was embarrassed for him. But he didn't. Instead he gave me this wide, cheesy grin, and then closed his eyes and laid against the window.
I am okay with standing up from now on.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
My husband, the crime fighter!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sadly, though, I am not alone in my quest to be hated by all children. Our dear friend Kaycee (pictured with Kaden below) really took the opportunity to tell Josh how she really felt a while ago.

Josh: "Kaycee, do you like the fireworks?"
Kaycee: "Yeah. You're ugly"
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

And because I knew you were all wondering, YES we will be having plenty of parties. But you only get invited if you come help us paint our giant, 2 story wall! (Josh's neck is ALMOST tall enough to reach, but just not quite!)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Next, we were ever so lucky to get invited by Seth and Brittney to go down and celebrate Brittney's big 2-3 on Monday (June 2nd)! We had a great time and really enjoyed the "Roberts" version of Happy Birthday. We fit right in, I think!
And it's true, I saved the best for last. I'm going to say this in big words hoping it can somehow convey my excitement in this statement:
I'm an AUNT!!!!
That font just wasn't big enough... "Largest?" Bah, I don't believe it.I've been waiting probably 80 years for this moment to happen, and I didn't imagine it would be so wonderful! Jayson (Josh's brother) and Heather gave birth to a healthy, BEAUTIFUL baby girl, Hadley, on Monday (again the 2nd, she must've known it was a good day for birthdays!) and I can't even express how much I love her already! I know that is so corny! I am sure I'm the favorite aunt, after all, she did make a squeaky noise when I held her! Monday was just full of little miracles. One I'm glad I witnessed: Josh actually likes Hadley AND he wanted to hold her AND he didn't drop her! He deserves a medal, or maybe a trophy. Here is a picture of our beautiful niece -- I'll upload a few more maybe tomorrow. I can't wait to go visit her again!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
- First on the list, in honor of my bro-in-law Jake graduating, I have to say he's one of my favorite people! I'm a big fan of his french toast! Here Jake is in all his splendor, in his coolest "shants" ever and his flame apron. What a stud!
- My family, of course, is always a FAVORITE! I've been able to travel up North quite often in the last little while, and I've been so grateful for the love and support they've been giving me! They even dare to be seen in public with me when I'm told I have a fat neck, now that's dedication! It feels great to always have best friends in my wonderful sisters. We've had some crazy and fun times lately! If only Jaylene was close to spend time with us too! We miss her oh so much.
- I was so blessed in high school to have such good friends, and I'm so lucky that I am able to keep in contact with so many of them still! It's so great to get together and see the many accomplishments in their lives and be blessed with their friendship and laugther still! And sorry Brooke's head is chopped off -- that's what we get for putting the camera on the playground?
- Also my favorite, Erica's Farah Faucet hair! She is setting off fire alarms all over, baby, she's so HOT!
- You would also think that Josh would be on my list... Well, he's not. And that's only because he is really only my imaginary husband and I can't EVER get any pictures of him, nor does he dare be seen in public with me! I guess, he can still be a favorite...
- And lastly, my very favorite, is Evelyn, a.k.a. Deb. Here she is, slowly raising her fist to her chin, thinking of floating with seahorses.

(I'm like Nancy Kerrigan on the rollerblades, seriously!)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Maybe in 20 years or so Hayden will have a Cousin Lund, eh?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
I am probably the happiest girl alive now that it is officially SPRING! And I hadn't realized it had been a month already since I last posted. Here's a quick summary (since I know all two of my blog stalkers are really curious) of what's gone on in the last month: (more pictures to come)
* I survived a week without Josh! He went away for business (it makes him sound so important and professional) and I actually started to get used to sleeping by myself again -- don't tell him that, he'll get excited and think he's actually allowed to sleep on the couch!
* I took pictures of my first wedding! (maybe only wedding?) Candice and Zach (I did their engagements a while ago) got married the beginning of March and I was SO nervous, especially since the weather was quite grim that day, but things went okay and I hope they like the finished product. Here are a few previews:
* I cooked a real meal for my in-laws and they didn't die! On Saturday night I came home and Josh informed me that he had invited his parents over for Easter dinner and that I would be cooking a pot roast -- I guess he figured it was easy and I couldn't mess up. I think I got so nervous it made me sick! I woke up violently ill yesterday morning but I still didn't get out of cooking. The fire alarms only went off once, and surprisingly the meal was good! It's true, I've let it all go to my head. Hopefully I only have a few ulcers from the stress.
* Josh and I have started a new game -- we like to make bets! Sadly, Josh is too smart and figured out that when I bet him outrageous sums of money (like $100 to eat a piece of pineapple) he wasn't really winning anything since I'd just tell him that it was in the bank and he could use it to pay our bills later, so now it's become fun to bet for other things. When I win my beach cruiser bike in May (and I KNOW I'll win) I'll let you know what I did to get it.
Now that it's springtime and I am officially done hibernating, I have a million and ten things I am sure I'll accomplish in the next little while. On the top of that list: Go Golfing! I know this sounds weird, seeing as I don't really even golf. Josh gave me a set of clubs for my wedding present and has taken me to the driving range a few times over the past two years, but I think he gets embarassed when I keep missing the ball. Honestly, who does that. But my goal this spring is to get good enough that I could play at least 9 holes with him!
Thursday, February 21, 2008