Happy Birthday America!

Yes, the above photo is firework vomit. No other place than Taylorsville Days puts on quite the display, the grand finale this year was quite powerful!
I guess before I delve into my 4th of July weekend I have to report on the week before (Taylorsville Days). Ever since Josh and I dated we've made it an event to go, and drag Jami along with us every year! I love fireworks so, so much, and we had such a great time! Here's a photo of our love triangle:
Moving on... I must've known what I was doing when I married Josh, since we both happen to share our favorite holiday -- the 4th! There's not much I don't love about the 4th, one: it's in the summer, which is my favorite, two: you get the day off of work, which is also my favorite, and I love, love LOVE a good fireworks show! Then there's that thing about it being the greatest country in the world's birthday and whatnot...
This year we decided to really bring in the holiday with a BANG and spent the wee hours of the morning at the emergency room! I know, we really know how to party! Poor Josh and his 65 year old insides, I hope that he will be able to get better soon and quit it with the whole internal bleeding bit...
That being said, as we got home from the hospital at about 5:30 a.m. and then had a brunch at his parent's home, we really slept away most of our 4th of July holiday. And I'm not complaining one bit! The rest of the weekend we were able to spend a lot of time with Josh's family, with his amazing sister Katie being in town, our niece Hadley being blessed, and Josh's mom's birthday. Sunday brought yet another visit to the E.R. and really, at this point in our lives, I'm getting pretty used to it. Here are some pictures from our [mostly] fun and always
adventurous weekend!

I'm sorry that you guys are still having health issues with you cute hubby. Hospitals are no fun although I spend a lot of time there for better reasons. Your niece is so cute I think you need one to add to your house poorness.
gosh, maybe you should go into the medical field. he needs a live-in nurse by the sounds of it-- no fun at all. hope things are getting better.
i love that the 4th is your favorite holiday! what a great one!?
Your number three favorite needs to be the ER. WHASSAGOINON???!! I demand that you call me.
And good luck with your love triangle.
tell Josh there are cheaper ways to get attention. I am surprised the nurses don't suspect you of spouse abuse. Especially with your huge muscles...
You are an idiot. That's all I have to say about you saying your are fat.... the end.
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