A little late, but still the pictures are so cute! Not much to say about Halloween other than we had a great time! It was fun getting to hang out with our Hadley the monkey and Kaden (a.k.a. Tony Stark) Hadley looks more Lund-ish every day! Josh was the Trojan Man and I was
GiGi the kill for hire. Thanks again to Steve and Kristi for their fun party! Here are some pictures from the night -- I have more great ones but this is what you get.

Seth and Brittney, you guys are one hot pirate couple!
Way way fun! I love it!
love the costumes. we are uber lame and we didn't dress up.
Well, it looks like YOU woke up with the king and were never the same.
I LOVE the costumes. Josh doesn't need to loose anymore sleep- I didn't end up being his match. We went as teenage mutant ninja turtles. We totally looked like them but it was not pretty. Next year I am going as something more flattering. I should have stuck with Cleopatra...
Looks like lots of fun!! Thank you for your sweet comment on our blog. I've copied the link for the "Chosen" cd:
Best wishes to your sister!
The little kids' costumes are so cute! I think my favorite part of Halloween is passing out candy and seeing what the kids in the neighborhood are wearing.
Oh and your costume is cute too!
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