Happy Spring!!!
I am probably the happiest girl alive now that it is officially SPRING! And I hadn't realized it had been a month already since I last posted. Here's a quick summary (since I know all two of my blog stalkers are really curious) of what's gone on in the last month: (more pictures to come)
* I survived a week without Josh! He went away for business (it makes him sound so important and professional) and I actually started to get used to sleeping by myself again -- don't tell him that, he'll get excited and think he's actually allowed to sleep on the couch!
* I took pictures of my first wedding! (maybe only wedding?) Candice and Zach (I did their engagements a while ago) got married the beginning of March and I was SO nervous, especially since the weather was quite grim that day, but things went okay and I hope they like the finished product. Here are a few previews:
I am probably the happiest girl alive now that it is officially SPRING! And I hadn't realized it had been a month already since I last posted. Here's a quick summary (since I know all two of my blog stalkers are really curious) of what's gone on in the last month: (more pictures to come)
* I survived a week without Josh! He went away for business (it makes him sound so important and professional) and I actually started to get used to sleeping by myself again -- don't tell him that, he'll get excited and think he's actually allowed to sleep on the couch!
* I took pictures of my first wedding! (maybe only wedding?) Candice and Zach (I did their engagements a while ago) got married the beginning of March and I was SO nervous, especially since the weather was quite grim that day, but things went okay and I hope they like the finished product. Here are a few previews:
* My little sisters are growing up! Carrie went to her junior prom and looked GORGEOUS -- I swear it was last year that I was in high school and she was like 9 or something. And Andie turned 10 on the 16th of March! We had a fun birthday party with all of her friends - she is a cutie patootie.
* I cooked a real meal for my in-laws and they didn't die! On Saturday night I came home and Josh informed me that he had invited his parents over for Easter dinner and that I would be cooking a pot roast -- I guess he figured it was easy and I couldn't mess up. I think I got so nervous it made me sick! I woke up violently ill yesterday morning but I still didn't get out of cooking. The fire alarms only went off once, and surprisingly the meal was good! It's true, I've let it all go to my head. Hopefully I only have a few ulcers from the stress.
* Josh and I have started a new game -- we like to make bets! Sadly, Josh is too smart and figured out that when I bet him outrageous sums of money (like $100 to eat a piece of pineapple) he wasn't really winning anything since I'd just tell him that it was in the bank and he could use it to pay our bills later, so now it's become fun to bet for other things. When I win my beach cruiser bike in May (and I KNOW I'll win) I'll let you know what I did to get it.
Now that it's springtime and I am officially done hibernating, I have a million and ten things I am sure I'll accomplish in the next little while. On the top of that list: Go Golfing! I know this sounds weird, seeing as I don't really even golf. Josh gave me a set of clubs for my wedding present and has taken me to the driving range a few times over the past two years, but I think he gets embarassed when I keep missing the ball. Honestly, who does that. But my goal this spring is to get good enough that I could play at least 9 holes with him!
* I cooked a real meal for my in-laws and they didn't die! On Saturday night I came home and Josh informed me that he had invited his parents over for Easter dinner and that I would be cooking a pot roast -- I guess he figured it was easy and I couldn't mess up. I think I got so nervous it made me sick! I woke up violently ill yesterday morning but I still didn't get out of cooking. The fire alarms only went off once, and surprisingly the meal was good! It's true, I've let it all go to my head. Hopefully I only have a few ulcers from the stress.
* Josh and I have started a new game -- we like to make bets! Sadly, Josh is too smart and figured out that when I bet him outrageous sums of money (like $100 to eat a piece of pineapple) he wasn't really winning anything since I'd just tell him that it was in the bank and he could use it to pay our bills later, so now it's become fun to bet for other things. When I win my beach cruiser bike in May (and I KNOW I'll win) I'll let you know what I did to get it.
Now that it's springtime and I am officially done hibernating, I have a million and ten things I am sure I'll accomplish in the next little while. On the top of that list: Go Golfing! I know this sounds weird, seeing as I don't really even golf. Josh gave me a set of clubs for my wedding present and has taken me to the driving range a few times over the past two years, but I think he gets embarassed when I keep missing the ball. Honestly, who does that. But my goal this spring is to get good enough that I could play at least 9 holes with him!
Hey Becca! Thanks for the update. You have been busy. The wedding shots look great! I'm impressed.
Hey slacker. Some of us blog stalkers have been waiting for FOREVER. I thought you had left the blogging world for good. Who would I stalk then??
Thanks for letting me visit you!!
I'm totally stalking your right now..... I might as well make a comment while I'm here. I love the pics from the wedding. Super cute.
I would be absolutly HONORED to show you the editing ropes. I don't know that much about it, but I'll show you what I know.
What's the best way to do it? Send me an email, and we'll go from there. Your wedding photography is great, by the way, so you're off to a good start.
Great pics. And you were your own poser again!!!
Hey Becca! I'm so happy you are blogging too. It will be fun to keep up with you guys. I didn't know you were such a great photographer!
I hope you don't mind that I looked at your blog. Hey your pictures look great! If I ever get married will you take my pictures. :)
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