Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009

--Is he going to inherit my craziness? Because there's too much of that in our house already.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Jaylene and Steve came in from Ohio! This was the hi-light of my summer for sure. Most of us sisters (Minus Ev, sorry Ev!) were able to go with my grandparents on a drive up to Bear Lake to get a raspberry shake and then a hike around Tony Grove Lake. It was SOOOO much fun -- and ended in the funniest muddy adventure that made me almost pee my pants. Really, I was terrifyingly close...
This is me 2 weeks ago at 28 weeks -- I am much more giant now. Giant like a house. Or an elephant. I get asked all of the time -- when are you due, tomorrow? Sadly, I shake my head and say I have two months left. And then watch as eyes pop out of their heads. My baby probably will weigh 20 pounds when he comes out. Sad.
In July Grandpa Pete had his 80th birthday! We love and enjoy this man so so much -- if you're ever looking for entertaining UFO stories, he's the guy! I don't know what Josh and G-Pa were looking at, but it clearly was more interesting than whoever took the picture...
Summer means spending time with my fabulous sisters! I love these girls so much -- I've had several opportunities to go out and party with these clowns -- this pic is from our adventurous mini golf experience and YES i got a hole in one for reals. I am that good. Ev and Erica did not. They are terrible :)
Ev and I fear that we carry our babies in our new double chins. This is our way of concealing them.
I've also had many more adventures -- involving baby's first time out on a boat -- he really liked it. I liked it up until the point where I tried to jump off of the boat onto the dock and realize I have no grace, nor vertical jump anymore. I tripped and fell into the water. It was awkward.
Another key awkward moment -- ward temple night, which involved a 10 minute wardrobe malfunction -- and I was on the front row for everyone to see and enjoy... The cute temple worker that helped me came up afterward and asked -- "so is this your LAST TIME coming to the temple until after your baby is born?" Yes, that's right. I believe i am kicked out of the temple until November.
So many of my friends are having babies right around me! I am sad I did not post a picture of the fun baby showers I've been lucky to go to -- it has been so much fun to share stories with my preggo friends. Oh they're so cute.
I also DID go to the BE County Fair on Saturday night. I tried to conceal myself from spotting anyone I knew -- and for the most part succeeded. I had a good time playing with Brooke, Sara and Jill's cute kids.
This summer I've also had the opportunity to take many photos of beautiful people! Too bad I am keeping those secret and you don't get to see until they make their debut on my upcoming photography blog. But I have to make baby's quilt and other bedding first before I'm allowed to create that whole thing... Which brings me to the next part -- pics of baby's nursery coming soon! We did get it all painted (minus touching up the chair rail) and the crib and changing table are up! It's going to be so cute!!!
That's my summer in a nutshell. Josh is allowing me to put up fall decorations after labor day!!! He made me wait until October last year so I am happy.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
I honestly have no idea... I feel strongly that there's a 50% chance it's a boy??? But that's all I've got. No mother's intuition, no crazy dreams, nothing. I do want to know YOUR opinion though, what do you think?
And p.s., little baby offspring -- if you are shy, I may disown you, and punish you for the rest of your childhood. I cannot stand not knowing any longer.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009

Hooray new cars! Happy birthday, me!
2. Josh may or may not push me down the stairs for posting this, but it makes me happy. Last week Josh had knee surgery (again). This picture, however, tells a different story -- that he actually got surgery to become a lunch lady. I look at this picture every day and laugh. So I am posting it for everyone else's enjoyment, and that is a good birthday present to myself.
3-- We are going to the BEACH on Monday for an entire week!!! This is the best birthday/ anniversary present ever. My only wish is that my baby tummy would look more like a preggo belly and less like a spare tire. Come on, kid, can't you be a little more round or something in there??? I do hope no one mistakes me for a beached whale and tries to throw me back in the ocean.
Oh, yes, by the way, it was our 3-year anniversary on the 18th. I did not post some mushy anniversary post for the sole reason that I want to have a 4 and 5-year anniversary and did not want to upset Josh with my mushiness. But it's been a good three years. Really good.
There are many other reasons why I love birthdays, most of which have to do with my AWESOME family and friends!!! Thanks everyone for your wishes and love!
Monday, May 11, 2009
She said to me, "Becca, I have the Egyptian flu"... oh man, this sounded bad. She for sure was dying. I cried some more.
Then I asked her, "what is the Egyptian flu???"
"Well, you get really sick, and then 9 months later, you become a MUMMY!!
Here I am, 13 years later, and I've caught the FLU!!!!
p.s. we are still unsure if it is actually a baby, a chicken nugget or an alien, however, JR. will make his/her arrival sometime around Nov. 9th!!! Also -- if it is not a boy Josh says we have to give it back.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Friday, April 03, 2009
NEXT: Lexi (brooke's beautiful daughter) was SO enthralled with tiny Ruby! Since Lexi is too adorably delicious to NOT take her picture:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We're still here...
Here's an update on us:
Kona, besides being half satan, is half genius. Not only does she know how to get ice out of the fridge dispenser, she can now also open drawers and cupboards and eat anything inside, whether it's edible or not. Who knew I'd have to baby-proof my house for a DOG.
Josh is heading back to work full time tomorrow! Huzzah! (because we are pirates, we say words like that) He is still not sleeping and keeps calling me Maria, but he lied through his teeth to the doc so he could stop spending so much time with Satan-Genius.
Josh also won an award for having the WORST LUCK EVER this week. A big hats off to that.
I have been able to see some of my dearest friends lately -- oh how happy you all made me on Friday! :) This week is also filled with more dear friend reunions. I am so excited!
We finally got a real gym membership -- no more mooching off SLCC for me! Sadly, I am already panting by the time I walk up 0ne flight of stairs to get to the treadmills. Don't judge!
My new camera comes in the mail today! This is probably more exciting than a baby.
And also, check out my sister Ev's blog! She is making my life even more complete! LOVE YOU EV!
And lastly, I found this video today that someone sent me years ago. It is funny, and I wanted everyone else to enjoy.
Sunday, March 08, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009
Really, 2008 was not that bad -- we don't regret a thing! Still, we learned a lot and Josh, amazing as it sounds, still loves me at the end! Here are a few of the highlights/things we learned in 2008: (and when I say "we", I mostly mean "me"...)
--Dogs are not as fun as children. They are, however, just as needy and expensive.
--Our new guard dog, Kona protects us from getting a good night’s rest, not having to buy new electronics, glasses, socks and other expensive items she keeps chewing up, and she is vigilant in making sure she eats more of our food than we do. She works 24/7 and is truly priceless. The best part is we got her for free. Wow, they really saw us coming...
--It is not a good idea to take your motion-sick husband go-cart racing for your anniversary.
--Prenatal vitamins do not grow babies. Hair and nails did not grow either. What a jip.
--Men who do not go to the hospital at least 8 times per year are not real men.
--Josh lost a portion of his memory in December. He now firmly believes he is single and brings dates home on a regular basis. Women only, any takers?
--I decided to capitalize on Josh’s memory loss by telling him that he works three jobs, and now he gives me all of his money to spend lavishly on me.
--Having more than one brother-in-law with the same name is not confusing, it is cool. Also, it gives me more excuses to come up with cool nicknames that way. Still waiting for Jakes #3, 4, and 5.
--Solving the mystery of “which auto immune disease do you have” is NOT cool, exciting or adventurous like a Scooby Doo mystery. Nor does it have theme music.
--Electing a President can instantly end world hunger, solve global warming and cure cancer.
-- Playing Mario Kart on the Wii for hours on end is NOT a waste of time. It teaches valuable driving techniques, such as having individualized insults when you electrocute or pass others, and throwing bombs BEHIND you as you drive.
--Nieces and nephews are truly as good as they sound. Niece Hadley can also eat her weight in food on a regular basis. She is huge but still cute.
--If you’ve gotta work two jobs, get a second job where you work with teenagers who idolize you. I really can never run out of teenage dating horror stories to entertain the masses.
--Josh’s dirty deeds done cheap business, founded in March, is taking off. Selling alcohol to minors or getting rid of neighbor’s annoying pets are just a few of the services he provides. Cash only, please.
Although 2009 hasn't brought us sunshine and rainbows yet... we remain optimistic -- it's only a matter of time before Josh's superhero powers kick in.
Friday, January 02, 2009