My parents are funny.

Above is a photo of them clear back in May when we told them they got to be grandparents AGAIN (after Ev had shared her exciting news). They are the most excited people in the entire world to be blessed TWICE this year with their first grandchildren!!! I seriously love them so much. And, while you can stay tuned for a greatly anticipated update post of what exciting things I have been doing over the last month since I posted last (I'll give you a hint -- it involves sitting around being a gushy pregnant woman and a lot of sleeping), I wanted to dedicate an especially gushy post to my parents for being SO GREAT!!!
Dad: I love how he makes up nicknames for everyone. All 7 of us girls have crazy and largely embarrassing nicknames that he calls us by (no I will not tell you!) and he also makes up songs about people. What a hoot. I won't post anything embarrassing about him, like how having 7 girls has made him crazy emotional and extremely tuned-in to sensitivity... Oops.
Mom: Wow, this little quiet lady is a crackup! When we were young and would ask her a dumb question, her answers were always entertaining-- example: "Mom, is dinner ready?" (after it's all set out on the table, clearly ready) she would say "Nope. This is all plastic food from your toy kitchen". and then we would say "mooooooooom" in that little annoyed sing-song voice, and then she would say "what? you ask a dumb question, you get a dumb answer!" Somehow I still ask dumb questions, though. Never learned.
Happy Anniversary, parents! Love you both so, so so much!!!!
And really, I promise to post again SOON.
your parents are so cute. what a great photo. I'll bet they can't wait for the babies to get here!
Ha ha ha! I laughed so hard I snorted when I thought of mom waving her hands up and down, telling us not to ask stupid questions.
That was before she hid the TV in the barn.
Now I'm going to go sit in the quiet chair.
Why does deebit mcsqueebit come to mind when I read this? :) Love you!
HA HA HA!! I love Dani's comment because I thought the same thing!
I love that your parents have been married for 30 years! That's great!!
I love your parents too. So cute.
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