Hooray new cars! Happy birthday, me!
2. Josh may or may not push me down the stairs for posting this, but it makes me happy. Last week Josh had knee surgery (again). This picture, however, tells a different story -- that he actually got surgery to become a lunch lady. I look at this picture every day and laugh. So I am posting it for everyone else's enjoyment, and that is a good birthday present to myself.
3-- We are going to the BEACH on Monday for an entire week!!! This is the best birthday/ anniversary present ever. My only wish is that my baby tummy would look more like a preggo belly and less like a spare tire. Come on, kid, can't you be a little more round or something in there??? I do hope no one mistakes me for a beached whale and tries to throw me back in the ocean.
Oh, yes, by the way, it was our 3-year anniversary on the 18th. I did not post some mushy anniversary post for the sole reason that I want to have a 4 and 5-year anniversary and did not want to upset Josh with my mushiness. But it's been a good three years. Really good.
There are many other reasons why I love birthdays, most of which have to do with my AWESOME family and friends!!! Thanks everyone for your wishes and love!
VERY exciting-- happy birthday. on a sadder note? that icky phase lingers longer than others told me. i'm still STUCK at that spare tire phase... big enough to look big and for nothing to fit, but small enough that people feel the need to say, "oh! you don't look too big!" thanks.
enjoy the beach!
Hey cute girl!! Happy Birthday!! I just ready about you flu!! Aaahhh!!! CONGRATS!!! So fun!! I'm sure he or she will be adorable!!
Yes, like I said before, you have been blessed with the gift of flatulence. Seeing that picture of Josh is making me sing about Navy Beans.
Happy Birthday! And I'm a little slow on reading... so congrats about the flu! I mean, condolences?!? ;)
I cannot stop laughing about the lunch lady thing!! Ah ha ha ha ha! Happy birthday cutie! I am so jealous that you get to go relax on the beach for a week! I'm sure you're still as tiny as ever, but I do remember the awkward stages of pregnancy. Fun stuff. Just so you know, I gained a good 50 lbs during my pregnancy, not so fun afterward. Have a wonderful week!
Congrats on the new car, the lunch lady hubby, and the egyptian flu. I'm so happy for you!
hapyy happy birthday, and I agree Josh is going to kill you when he sees that picture of him!!! hahahhaha at least it made me laugh-the good laugh of the day--- anyways, I love your b-day present, ENJOY IT!!!
Happy, happy birthday Becca! I can't believe you got a car. We all wanna be you! Have fun at the beach.
BWAH Ha HA!!!! I love your posts!!! You are so funny! I'm glad you had a great birthday, and I'm especially glad that you posted the lunch lady picture!! I enjoy a good laugh at others expense! :) I hope you have tons of fun at the beach, while you are gone I'm going to come and steal your new birthday present! jk! I'm so happy and excited for you and for all of the great things that are headed your way. You truly deserve all of these wonderful things! Love ya!
Nice birthday present!
Geez. Nice birthday gift! :) And I'm sure your baby belly was nothing to be worried about. And I love the lunch lady picture. Priceless.
Happy late birthday!! sorry about that.... But LOVE the lunch lady picture!!!!
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