Monday, December 06, 2010
'Tis The Season
--I always know Christmas season is on us when I can turn on the TV to any channel and Elf is on.
--I also know it's Christmas season because I don't get to watch Elf, I get stuck watching Yogi's First Christmas. (Anyone that has seen this show -- am I alone in wanting to strangle Cindy Bear and her stupid Mistletoe song? Gag!!!)
--Our ward split I think about a month ago. Having to make new friends is giving me anxiety. Help!!!
--Before the ward split, I was really enjoying my ward calling as "semi-active lady who sits in the back row with a screaming child". I felt I fit the role perfectly. Dang split. Now I've been put in the primary presidency. What? Kids? What am I supposed to do with them? They have tiny hands and it weirds me out. Plus they don't think I'm funny, and that's hard on the ego. Oh Heavenly Father, I hope you know what you're doing, because I certainly don't.
--The rumors from the old ward must have spread that Josh is still mentally challenged because he can still enjoy his calling as "semi-active dude who sits in the back row with a screaming child". No fair.
--Yeah, see how I mentioned screaming child twice? Weston hates church. Actually I think he just hates us in general. He's all smiles and happy when he goes to daycare, but by the time we get him home, he throws at least 8 tantrums. Someone tell me this is a phase? Either that or we have a real diva on our hands. Great.
--Weston is getting close to walking! He usually takes a few steps and then forgets the moving-the-feet part and falls on his face. I think he thinks he is supposed to fly.
--Okay I exaggerated for dramatic effect. Weston doesn't hate us all the time. He actually loves us. Well, he loves Josh. He loves to clap his hands, get so excited and squeal for "daddy" when Josh walks into the room. He does say "mama" too, but we just discovered he's actually not referring to me at all. He says "mama" when he wants food. Yeah, I see all I am good for. That's also hard on the ego.
--Also among Weston's vocabulary: "uh-oh", "ball" (his first word), "pa-pa", "good boy", "yeah", "dog", "see ya" (which comes with a really girly hand-wave) and I think "bottle" (ba-ba). Oh, and the word he does direct at me? "Go away". Great, thanks, Weston. I really am feeling like mom of the year here.
--I made a goal last year (I actually make this goal every year) to run 500 miles. In 2009, where I was pregnant for 9 months out of the year, I got pretty close to my goal. This year, I have made it....wait for it.... 19 miles. Yes, that is all year, not this month. Now, quit your judging and just help to get me motivated! I am a lazy disgusting sack of potatoes.
--Does anyone have any ideas for inexpensive Christmas gifts? Blame it on mom brain but I've got nothing up there. Please help!!!!
--Speaking of Christmas, I have had the opportunity to be in Lex de Azevedo's Millennium Choral Society for the past several months. I L-O-V-E singing again! We are putting on a concert for his "Gloria" work on Friday, December 17th and Saturday, December 18th at the Provo Tabernacle. You should come. Because if no one shows up, my already shattered ego will be even more destroyed.
And that's all I've got today. I know, shame on me, I don't even have an adorable picture to go along with the post. I'm saving the element of surprise for the adorable Christmas cards I just designed and ordered!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Time Flies...
It's true, Weston is ONE!!!! I dont' know how this happened. I refuse to acknowledge that he is getting older. So I am going to force him into his newborn clothes for at least a month until the truth sinks in. (it's by doing things like this that I become the worst mother of the year. Not that I'm trying to give away my secrets...)
In reality, Weston can't even squeeze into 18 month old clothing. It must be all that protein powder we've been feeding him. (crappy mommy secret #26)
On the morning of his birthday, he woke up and asked for the keys to the car. Next week he'll probably be bringing some girl home, and we all know there's not much time left until he's having kids of his own. Sniff. My little baby, all grown up!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Just in case you missed me.
I'll buy you a diet coke for the side effects.
I have a story:
I have a hilarious younger sister, Andie. She, being the youngest of 7 girls, is destined to grow up with all sorts of issues. But she sure is cute. (Is it just me or does she look like me much?)
When she was 2, Evelyn and I trained her to pick up the phone by saying "I'm dead sexy".
When she was 3, she watched Jurassic Park every night before bed with my dad.
When she was 4, she learned how to do Tai-Chi (I don't know where... no one taught her, just something she picked up) and we exploited her in front of everyone that came over.
When she was 5, her favorite color was black and she was obsessed with witches.
At some point in her early childhood, Andie won the award for the Queen of DRAMA. (psssh, she did NOT get that from me...) I remember her having to do her Saturday jobs once when she was little. Her Saturday jobs consisted of things like "write a happy note to your sister" or "fluff the pillows on the couch". Nothing like the jobs I had when I was a kid. Spoiled much? She was complaining that her jobs were toooo hard and she didn't want to do them. She began unconsolably crying, and suddenly clutched her chest. "I'm having a HARD-attack" -- she said.
She still is that funny. And dramatic.
Anyway, this story has two morals:
One -- I think I have had like 8 "hard"-attacks in the last two weeks. Can someone throw me a bone here? Whine.
Moral two: I took thought of this story after taking photos of my A-Dor-A-Ble Son last week for his birfday invitation. And then I died of a heart-attack. My child is too good looking. And I'm not even just saying that. (I hope you got the connection there... that's the way my brain works)
All of my posts revolve around my son. Just in case you didn't know.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Funny -- my house is also the most neglected house on the planet. As is my pantry, my laundry, and especially Josh. Just putting that out there.
Moving on -- we had a wonderful Labor Day celebrating Erica's birthday with my family! Carter and Weston had too much fun on the swings. Oh, I love those boys. Have I mentioned that Carter and Weston are best friends? Because they are. I am so lucky to have a sister so close (EV PLEASE DON'T EVER MOVE!) with a little boy Weston's age so they can grow up together. Yeah, that was gushy. Don't judge, I'm in a sentimental mood!
But now it's your turn to gush -- about how seriously adorable these kids are! They don't make 'em any better than this!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tough guy vs. Girly Man
Weston has an adorable cousin and best friend:
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Not Your Best Moment...
Here's a shocker -- Weston got all of his good looks from Josh. (Or the mailman. No one will ever know.) Sometimes I am sad when I realize (and/or get told 5 times a day from everyone that sees me with him) that he looks nothing like me.
Because I have an 'overload' problem when it comes to taking pictures of Weston, we have at least 5000 photos of him since he was born. And every once in a while, in those photos, I am reminded of what Weston has inherited from me.
And now, Weston's debut of some of his least proudest moments:
Yes, I know you have polynesian blood already. I am very aware of your abnormally large tongue, but thanks for showing me. Again.
And our all time personal favorite:
Monday, June 07, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

(Yes, that is Josh's real handwriting. I Love him.)
Sunday, April 25, 2010

-- Josh's brain spots also annoy me. Most particularly the migraines that they cause. Stupid spots.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
She works on the laptop
And if you haven't seen her play catch through the stair railing, you are really missing out. This is her making a basket in the sconce. 2 points!
Before Weston was born, she helped us prepare for a child in the following ways:
*waking us up multpile times at night
*whining/crying. It's nothing new to us.
*cleaning up puke (she has a binge/purge problem)
*not being able to go places at night for the inability to find a sitter
*getting used to not doing what we want to do, but what she wants to do
*cleaning up after her. Seriously, you should see how quickly she can destroy a tennis ball.
Even through all of her craziness, she is still part of our family; and not to mention she adores Weston:
(she gets mad at me if I let him cry for too long, she cleans up his spitup -- i know, gross, right??? -- she gets sooo excited when he comes home from daycare)
It will be fun when they're best buds growing up!!!
Also, maybe one day she'll calm down!!!
(and also maybe one day I'll clip her nails... I'm a bad mom)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010