I know you've missed us as of late...
I've been busy trying to convince my child his parent's aren't crazy.

This is my favorite face of all. Does that make me a bad mom that I think he's adorable when he's pretending to be sad????
I'm back to work full time. Sob. Weston likes babysitter Jenny more than he likes me -- more sobbing. But other than that, we're still enjoying getting used to our new, dull life as a 'real' family... okay, so we were dull before we have a kid, I just use him as my excuse for going to bed at 9 now...
oh my goodness, he is ADORABLE!!!
I am sure he loves you most!
I LOVE that face!!! lol!
I understand your pain. Sometimes I think that Lydia won't even know I'm her mom because she sees Steve and the babysitters more than me.
look at those beautiful eyes! of course you're an amazing mommy.
I love that picture! So funny!
Holy CUTE!
NO WAY! HE is SO freaking cute!
Too Cute! I love that picture! Just wait until your child starts to tell you to go to work. That really makes you feel like your child loves his babysitter more than you. Sigh!
Now that is a cute baby! I just can't wait until I get to meet him...he is soooooooo handsome! I am sorry you had to go back to work...I will too =(
more baby pictures please thanks
Haha... you're not a bad mom. That really is an adorable face :)
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