I feel like I will be left out if I don't post about the new year and the hope it brings. So this is that post.
Except for mine is more exciting because I am posting this:

{my apologies to those who didn't get a Christmas card in the mail. I still love you all.}
Continuing on...
My weird but totally adorable husband has never believed in New Year's Resolutions. So for a while, I gave up on having my own because he refused to encourage me. (I think he was just afraid I'd accomplish mine and he wouldn't... so competitive!!!) But for some reason this year I'm trying to get off my lazy butt and do something noteworthy remain hopeful and optimistic about my future.
So... how am I going to do this? My friend Tasha inspired me to make my very own 30 before 30 list. Because, let's face it, I am turning old this year. Sob. And the worst part is, I've only done 2 of these things. I'll keep updating this post as the months go on -- and see how much I can get done this year!
My Very Own 30 Before 30
(p.s. these are not in any order of importance.)
(p.p.s. don't judge on any of these -- encouragement is appreciated! :)
1. Grow my hair out long
2. Own a bicycle
3. Go surfing
4. Complete my Bachelor's Degree
5. Help Josh find a new job
6. Meet the Governor
7. Start/ work on my family history
8. Finish my basement
9. Become debt free
10. Don't eat sugar for an entire month
11. Swim with dolphins
12. Complete a 1/2 marathon
13. Learn how to knit and/or crochet
14. Travel to Hawaii
15. Wear a fancy dress to a fancy party
16. Go white-water rafting
17. Sell a photograph
18. Get a new stamp in my passport
19. Take a yoga class
20. Attend a temple session in a temple outstide of Utah
21. Visit Jaylene in Georgia
22. Go to Disneyworld!
23. Play a round (18 holes) of golf
24. Sew curtains for my house
25. Record a song in a studio
26. Win a contest (I don't even care what it is!)
27. Take Josh to Washington D.C. and New York City
28. Go skydiving
29. Join a real choir
30. Become a better cook and healthier eater
Anyone that can help, inspire, encourage me in my goals? Does anyone have a list of their own?