Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday is the day of reckoning!!! Josh still stands firmly by his position that if it's a girl we are giving her back (not to mention if it's a girl, he maintains she can't possibly be his, because he would NEVER create a girl!)

I honestly have no idea... I feel strongly that there's a 50% chance it's a boy??? But that's all I've got. No mother's intuition, no crazy dreams, nothing. I do want to know YOUR opinion though, what do you think?
Boy or girl?

And p.s., little baby offspring -- if you are shy, I may disown you, and punish you for the rest of your childhood. I cannot stand not knowing any longer.


Unknown said...

It's actually probably 60-40 ratio in favor of girls :) Because the little girl swimmers are faster and have less defects lol. But I think you're going to have a boy. That's so exciting! Does it all seem to be going by so fast?!

Whitney said...

I can't believe you are already going to find out what you are having! I'm hoping for... a baby. :)

SMILES2ALL said...

My guess is a boy

Amanda Petersen said...

it's a boy phase! out of all the cute pregnant people we know, we're the only ones having a girl!! i'll go w/ boy.

it's SO exciting to find out... then again, i'm still paranoid our girl is going to come out a boy:)

Laura said...

Hmmm... I don't really have a guess, but I'm with ya on not being able to stand not knowing!!! I found out ASAP with both of my kids. Can't stand the suspense! I'm excited for you to find out!!!

Evelyn said...

Well, I give it a 20% chance it's a rabid monkey, 30% it's poo with eyes, 40% chance it's a lump of chicken nuggets, and 10% it is a hermaphrodite so that you can have the best of BOTH worlds.

Sara said...

You sister is evil! Ha Ha Ha!! I'm guessing (and hoping) that it is a girl (sorry Josh) so that I have an excuse to buy you lots of pink fluffy things!

Dave and Melissa Geddes said...

My guess is GIRL. But, I thought mine would be a girl too...Can't wait to find out! I love your blog. You are hilarious Becca!

Todd and Melissa Titensor said...


The Holmgrens said...

You know, I'm going to say girl, because I was CERTAIN that I was having a girl and obviously didn't so it's got to happen to one of us!