Sunday, December 13, 2009

December???? Really???

Being a mommy eats my time. The sad thing is, I don't know that I really do anything, but not only have the days gone by quickly, the MONTHS have gone by quickly! Little Chief is now 6 weeks old (what!!!) and as tall as a 2 year old, probably. Now that he is on Prevacid he has become somewhat more happy, which makes me somewhat more happy!
Nothing else has changed, being a mommy also eats away at any form of exciting life I once had. However, I did want to post and say that I posted for the first time on my 'photography blog'!!! So check it out here:. A big thanks to my cool brother in law Jake for designing my logo. I'll have a real website at some point in my late 20's? In the meantime, enjoy the cutest picture ever of some adorable boys.


Dave and Melissa Geddes said...

I Love the pics! And, i remember feeling the same way you do about having a dull life when becoming a will get better, I promise!!!

Amanda Petersen said...

how fun! LOVE the picture of weston at the top of your page! oh my gosh he is so handsome:)

Laura said...

Prevacid can be such a blessing, hope it keeps working for you. When baby is happier, everyone is happier!

Whitney said...

Hope you are doing good! There should be a Christmas card on your door soon.

Cami Jo said...

Sooooo cute of Weston!