The "KIDS" Question
It seems that since we've been married more than 2 years now, have a place of our own (finally!)and even more especially since the birth of our cute niece Hadley, we can't avoid the "kids" question. "When are we going to see a little Josh walking around?" "So now that you have a house, you're making a nursery for your Jr. Becca, right?" Usually, people get the usual answers to these questions from Josh, such as "Oh, crap, honey, did you leave baby in the trunk again?", "Picturing Becca as fat, hormonal and pregnant makes me throw up", or "Didn't you know, we have a kid, he's just ugly so we leave him in the closet". Usually people quit asking us after a while.
So for all of you wondering why after 2 years we don't have kids (gasp!), I've come to the conclusion that we're scared to death, probably because of the usual reaction I get from a small child. Case in point:

Sadly, though, I am not alone in my quest to be hated by all children. Our dear friend Kaycee (pictured with Kaden below) really took the opportunity to tell Josh how she really felt a while ago.

Josh: "Kaycee, do you like the fireworks?"
Kaycee: "Yeah. You're ugly"