This October has been so great! After Josh and I got back from vacation, we have been so busy that I haven't posted anything! Jaylene came out to visit from the Phillippines

and gave us great news that her and Steve are moving back to the states! They will be in Columbus Ohio in January for Steve to go to graduate school at OSU! Next, the four of us older sisters got to be together as Erica went through the temple for the first time

and then a week later her and Jake tied the knot! Their temple sealing was beautiful, and we know they will be happy forever! I am glad to have ANOTHER brother in law named Jake! Sadly my camera was dead, so I didn't get any pictures from the temple, only from the reception that night.

I am just waiting for Erica to get back from her honeymoon to Mexico so I can get the ones I took on her camera! It has been such a great month for family time, and I have really been able to count my blessings and be grateful for the wonderful family that I have been blessed with!
Earlier this week I skipped out on work (even though I was sick anyway) and went to frightmares with most of my sisters! We had a lot of fun acting stupid and just spending quality time together.

Then Halloween came! This Halloween was extra special because Josh and I found out that we get to be aunts and uncles! His brother Jayson's girlfriend Heather is expecting a baby in June and I am very excited, this will be a first to me! After we had our annual clam chowder dinner at the Lund house, we went to Steve and Kristi's Halloween bash! I was excited to go, since Josh and I didn't even dress up last year -- we were boring married people! This year Josh was a cowboy and I was a boxer -- although everyone told me I just looked like a battered wife! Sad!

I thought I would put the link to my facebook album so if you want, you can enjoy all of my pictures from this month!
Looks like you have had a lot of fun. I didn't even know that Jaylene was in the Philippines. I can't believe that Erica is married! She wasn't too far behind me and Curt. I loved your boxing outfit, you are too funny and cute!
I love your pictures on your facebook! You guys are too funny! I wish I could have had an excuse to dress up for a party. We are old and married and boring all the time! :) I only dress up so that little kids can laugh at me now-a-days! Oh the joys of elementary school!
Way cool! Last year, I was gonna be a boxer but I went with a wizard instead. Looks like you've been having lots of fun. Let's do a double date soon!!!
Holy crap Becca, you need to update your blog because I check it ALL the time and I cry when I don't see new pictures of you.... Marf me, but it's true!;)
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